Sunday, November 29, 2009

It is the school holidays and a lot of the cousins came to visit. Fun time for XN with so many play mates. London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down.......
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Friday, November 20, 2009

Since Xing Ning has recovered from stomach flu, we decided to continue with the travel plan. We went to Muar - a small town at the north of Johor, to spend the weekend together with XN's grandparents and uncle Jack's family. It was a nice family outing - our first I believe, but it was too short because we only reached Muar at 7pm on Saturday.
XN and DH behaved very well throughout the journey, they like to stay in hotel :)
This is dim sum breakfast at the hawker street, many varieties of dim sum. We went shopping for groceries and bought the popular "Otah" after breakfast, a pity that the 马来糕 was not ready as we were too early. That is actually my favourite!
William, De Hao and grandpa waiting at the hotel lobby for the happy shoppers to return from the impulsive buying at the super market.
The 3 generations outside the coffee shop after breakfast.
Grandaunty came when we had lunch at a coffee shop near her house before we headed home. Grandma & DH

Lunch was not fulfilling... so we continued with snacks and cakes at the cake shop next door :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

It was Daniel's birthday Dinner at New H K restaurant. It was a very colourful night because the restaurant was decorated with balloons and ribbons. DH was all dressed up for the occasion. The Christmas tree at the corner goes well with the colour of this T-shirt. There is even a ball poll for all the small children to enjoy. Sometimes even bigger children and grown ups also joined in. DH was not really used to the big crowd initially, he was crying at first and does not like anyone to carry him. He is OK after a while.
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