Thursday, January 26, 2012

On the forth day of CNY, we went to the dinosaurs live exhibition in Singapore Science Center together with the children and their cousins. It is a good chance to go for it during this holiday period. DH has never seen such big dinosaurs before, so he was a bit scared at first, he keep saying they will bite (会咬人的) ! But after a while he knows they are not real and then he was more relaxed.
The triceratops in the background is very realistic! DH also likes to collect the rubber stamps on a piece of paper at each exhibition to show that he as been to all the counters.
On the way to the toilet, there were also some other science exhibits that caught DH's attention. The hot air balloon device was a work model, one press of a button and the flames below the balloon will light up and heat up the air in the balloon to bring it to the roof the building! DH loved playing with it so many times.
The dino ride at the entrance was also a big hit with the children, every one took their turns to ride the animal.
XN finally got her turn after a long long wait. She loved it too!
After going to the exhibition, we sent their cousins to visit their grandma in Holland Road area. DH was waiting down stairs and started to hug trees from some unknown reason.
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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The dinner on the 2nd day of the new year took place at a new restaurant. They even have live stage performances. XN just had the entire afternoon with her cousins. So the fun continues in the night during dinner.
DH was wearing same shirt as one of his 表舅. Blue colour shirt with white collar. DH looks great in this shirt.
We took a family photo when we finally got back home.
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Last stop for the visit on the 2nd day of CNY is to Skudai. The weather was not very hot, so XN and DH played with their cousins out side the house. DH is learning the skill of rope skipping with limited success.
XN is doing better. But she is only a able to skip a a few consecutive times before the ropes caught her legs.
It is also time for 舅母 to return back home. So every one gave her a big hug.
The surroundings are filled with greens and nice flowers for taking pictures.
XN and DH really enjoyed themselves while playing with their cousins. In fact, XN did not want to leave them so she stayed with them and they went to attend the CNY dinner together later that evening.
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The next day, it is time to visit the relatives to wish them a happy new year. We really took our time and set off from the house at about 12pm. First stop is to Johor Jaya.
By the time, we got to Senai, it was almost 3pm. DH refused to take the red packet, so sometimes, XN has to take on his behalf.
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Monday, January 23, 2012

After the party, it was clean up time. We loaded the rubbish on to the truck and took them to a convenient location.
XN and DH love to sit at the back of the truck.
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The party in the evening took place in wet weather. It was raining for the entire day, and it stopped just before the party started. We setup the food and tables in the shelter. Luckily, the rain did not come again during the night.
There are more and more children year after year. Very soon, the number of children will over take the adults for this CNY occasion.
The food was wonderful. There are many varieties and they all tasted very good. As usual the food cannot be finished and a lot was taken away by the guests.
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The next day, we had a quiet morning because there is going to be a party tonight! We played with some bubbles in the morning. After that we went to Jusco for some shopping.
XN drew some new year greeting posters and we took turns to have our pictures taken.
The posters have such colourful words!
DH was laughing loudly as always.
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Sunday, January 22, 2012

It is the day before CNY2012 and in the evening, we had reunion dinner like always. Grandpa is busy preparing some of his dishes.
We had the tables setup in the living room, so that every one has more room to move around.
XN wishes everyone a wonderful new year.
This year, there are so much food, we did not finished all of it.
We bought a 魚生 from outside. It was small so that we still have enough room for the rest of the food.
As we started to eat, heavy rain started outside. The water dragon year is really making its presence felt this year. The rain this year made the new year period very cooling and comfortable.
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Saturday, January 21, 2012

DH is using an over sized tennis racket to hit a badminton shuttle. He is able to hit the shuttle cock if it is thrown gently at him at the correct angle. His small size coupled with the over sized racket reminds one of the now retired famous American Chinese male tennis star.
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Sunday, January 8, 2012

It was rainy Sunday, we only went out for lunch and it started raining after that. At the end of the day, we did not have any outdoor activities at all. It is now time to sleep but XN and DH are still full of energy..... it is going to take some time.
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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Went to visit Great Grandma in the evening. DH had to be held down for the group photo.
There are many wooden houses in this area. The one behind was brightly painted and has a lot of Chinese New Year decoration already installed to welcome the festive season around the corner.
XN is more cooperative when it comes to posing for the camera.
DH as usual just cannot stop running and jumping around. It was very entertaining watching him doing all his Ultraman moves and stunts.
After dinner, we took a stroll along the road. The weather outside was warm but not too humid, so it was rather comfortable. We went to Jusco for ice cream after this.
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Monday, January 2, 2012

2nd day of the new year and it happened to be a public holiday. We took the oppotunity to visit Hutan Bandar. The children went to the playground at the top of the hill.
XN and DH with their friends at the playground. DH did not like sand in his shoes, so he took them off and ran around instead.
The were also some giant statues of sea animals near the water fountain which the boys all jumped up and ride on its back.
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