This year is the year of the dragon, naturally, there were more dragons than usual.
The lions were irreplaceable regardless of what year it is, they have to be there every year.
Since it is very near Valentine's day, there was even a dragon that had a body that was made from roses!
So many toy stores along the road! The children were busy discussing which toy they were going to buy rather than watching the parade.
Finally, everyone got a bubble gun. There were so many people taking pictures of them playing with the bubble gun because they look so adorable with the bubbles all around them.
Seeing all these bubbles, a Scottish play comes to mind. Bubble, bubble toil and bubble, Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Hey look, I caught a bubble on my nose! XN has collected many sweets and chocolates and they were all in her goodie bag.
Even if the store behind is open for 24 hours, we did not stay that long. We went home at about 9:30pm because the children were already tired.