Monday, August 3, 2009

XN's cousins from KL came back again last weekend and one of the activities they had together in the afternoon was this sand art thingy. I bought them from Carrefour and thought they might be interested. True enough, all of them were excited when they had to peel off the sticker one by one, pour the sand on it and see the colourful result immediately, this can keep them entertained for at least an hour (but be prepared that the extra sand will be everywhere so it is better to play outdoor). This piece of art work is by XN, look at the eyes, they are in different colours! Among the 3, the prettiest is the one done by the eldest cousin Tung Tung, but a pity that I forgot to take a picture of it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,

What happened with the eyes hahaha!!!!Tell XN it's look so great..


Kim said...

Hi Anita, yah, she has no concept of colouring yet, and she actually find it interesting that they are different colours!